

Comparative Politics


School of Advanced International and Area Studies

East China Normal University

Instructor: 张昕  Email: xinzhang999@gmail.com

Course Summary:

This is an introductory course to comparative politics. In this course we will:

•  learn key concepts and analytical tools necessary to study how individuals and various types of collective entities (nation, state, class, etc.) organize among themselves and interact with each other;

•  gain exposure to some of the most important perspectives and theories which inform our

understanding of politics;   

•  compare and contrast the variety of ways that different countries/societies have chosen to shape their political institutions and processes, and assess the costs and benefits of these


•  learn contemporary politics and political trends in selected countries and regions around the world;

•  develop a basic understanding of  the methods social scientists use to understand politics, in particular, various methods for comparative inquiry, both their advantages and limits. 


1) (30% of the final grade) Class participation. Attendance is mandatory and active participation in conference discussion is expected. 

2) (40% of the final grade) There will be one take-home written assignment (due date TBA). 

3) (30% of the final grade) There will be one in-class exam (exam date TBA). 

Course Materials:

All the readings will be sent to the students via email. Please keep in mind that the current version of the syllabus is meant to give you a structural view of the topics approached in this course and the reading list is subject to modification, in connection to extended class discussions, ongoing events in world politics, film presentations, etc.. I will also send out additional materials related to current events. Please check on each Sunday the updated reading list for the coming week. 


What is Politics 

Max Weber. 1918. “Politics as Vocation.” (skip the part from “Since the time of the constitutional state, and definitely since democracy has been established,...” on page 13 to “…leaves the future formation of parties and all these chances still completely in the dark.” on page 25). 

Poggi, Gianfranco. 1978. The development of the modern state: a sociological introduction.  Stanford University Press. Chapter 1: “Introduction: The business of rule”. pp1-15. 

States, State Formation, and State Failure 

The State 

Michael Mann. 1984. “The Autonomous Power of the State: Its Origins, Mechanisms and Results.” European Journal of Sociology 25: 185-213. 

War Making as State Making  

Charles Tilly. 1985. “War Making and State Making as Organized Crime.” in Bringing the State Back In edited by Peter Evans, Dietrich Rueschemeyer, and Theda Skocpol (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press): 169-191. 

Jeffrey Herbst. 1990. “War and the State in Africa.” International Security 14 (4): 117-139. 

State Building Beyond Europe and Political Representation 

Lisa Anderson. 1987. “The State in the Middle East and North Africa.” Comparative Politics 20 (1): 1-18. 

Reinhard Bendix. 1968. “The Extension of Suffrage to the Lower Classes.” In State and Society. Ed. Reinhard Bendix (Boston: Little Brown): 233-257.

Rotberg, Robert I.. 2002. “The New Nature of Nation-State Failure.” The Washington Quarterly 25 (3): 85-96. 

Nation, Nationalism, and Ethnicity 

The Origin of Nationality and Nationalism 

Ernest Renan. “What is a Nation?” 

Connor, Walker. 1978. "A nation is a nation, is a state, is an ethnic group is a..." Ethnic and Racial Studies 1 (4): 377-400. 

Different Nationalismand Ethnicity 

Philip Spencer and Howard Wollman. 2002. “Good and Bad Nationalism.” In Nations and Nationalism. Ed. Spencer and Wollman. 197-218.   

Brubaker, Rogers. 1994. “Nationhood and the National Question in the Soviet Union and Post-Soviet Eurasia: An Institutionalist Account.” Theory and Society 23 (1):47-78. 

Philip Gourevitch. 1998. We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed With Our Families: Stories from Rwanda. New York: Farrar Straus and Giroux: 47-62. 

Documentary: “Ghosts of Rwanda”

Liberal Democracy  

Philippe C. Schmitter and Terry Lynn Karl. 1991. “What Democracy Is . . . and Is Not.” Journal of Democracy 2 (3): 75-88. 

Dahl, Robert. 1971. Polyarchy: Participacion and Opposition. Yale University Press. Chapter 1, pp. 1-16. 

Guillermo O'Donnell. 1998. “Horizontal Accountability in New Democracies.” Journal of Democracy 9 (3): 112-126. 

Limits and Paradoxes of Democracy 

赵鼎新,《民主的生命力、局限与中国的出路》,《领导者》杂志第十八期, http://www.ideobook.com/620/vitality-limit-democracy-china/ 

James Douglas. 1984. “How Actual Governments Cope with the Paradoxes of Social Choice: Some Anglo-American Comparisons.”  Comparative Politics 17 (1): 67-84. 

Edmund Burke. 1774. Speech to the Electors of Bristol. 

Bryan Caplan. 2007. The Myth of the Rational Voter: Why Democracies Choose Bad Policies. (Excerpts) 

Andreas Wimmer. 2003. “Democracy and Ethno-Religious Conflict in Iraq.” Survival: The International Institute for Strategic Studies Quarterly 45(4): 111-134. 

Documentary: Please vote for me 

Formal Political Institutions in Liberal Democracies 

Westminster Model vs. Consensus Model; Presidentialism vs. Parliamentarism  

Arend Lijphart. 1998. Patterns of Democracy. New Haven: Yale University Press. Chapter 2 “The Westminster Model of Democracy” and Chapter 3 “The Consensus Model of Democracy”.  

Linz, Juan J. 1999. “The Perils of Presidentialism.” Journal of Democracy 1 (1): 51-69. 

Scott Mainwaring and Matthew S. Shugart. 1997. “Juan Linz, Presidentialism, and Democracy: A Critical Appraisal.” Comparative Politics 29 (4): 449-471. 

Electoral System 

Norris, Pippa. 1997. "Choosing Electoral Systems: Proportional, Majoritarian and Mixed Systems." International Political Science Review 18 (3):297-312. 

Kent Weaver. 2002. “Electoral Rules and Governability.” Journal of Democracy 13 (2): 111-125.  

Arend Lijphart. 1991. “Constitutional Choices for New Democracies.”  Journal of Democracy 2 (1): 72-84. 

Guy Lardeyret. 1991. “The Problem with PR.” Journal of Democracy 2 (3): 30-35. 

Party System 

Russell J. Dalton.1996. “The History of Party Systems.” in Dalton, Citizen Politics: Public Opinion and Political Parties in Advanced Western Democracies, 2nd ed. (Chatham, NJ: Chatham House, 1996): 149-164. 

Seymour Martin Lipset and Stein Rokkan. 1990. “Cleavage Structures, Party Systems, and Voter Alignments.” In The West European Party System. Ed. Peter Mair. Oxford: Oxford University Press: 91-111.


Alfred Stepan. 1999. “Federalism and Democracy: Beyond the U.S. Model.”  Journal of Democracy 10 (4): 19-34.  

David Lake. 2010. “The Practice and Theory of US Statebuilding.” Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding 4 (3): 257-284. 

Beyond Liberal Democracy 

Marxism and Communism 

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. 1848. Manifesto of the Communist Party. (Excerpts). 

Andrew Janos. 1996. “What Was Communism: A Retrospective in Comparative Analysis.” Communist and Post-Communist Studies 29(1): 1-24.

毛泽东,1940, 《新民主主义论》;1949 《论人民民主专政》 

Paul Gregory. 1990. “The Stalinist Command Economy.” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (January): 18-25.


Benito Mussolini. 1932. “What is Fascism.”

Adolf Hitler. Speech of April 12, 1921.

Terrence Ball and Richard Dagger. 1998. Political Ideologies and the Democratic Ideal. New York: Longman Publishing: Chapter 7: “Fascism”. 

Michael Mann. 2004. Fascists. Cambridge University Press: Chapter 1: “A Sociology of Fascist Movement”.  

Contemporary Non-Democratic Regimes 

Zakaria, Fareed. 1997. “The Rise of Illiberal Democracy.” Foreign affairs 76 (6):22-43. 

Mancur Olson. 1993. “Dictatorship, Democracy, and Development.” American Political Science Review 87 (3): 567-576.

Lucan A. Way and Steven Levitsky. 2002. “The Rise of Competitive Authoritarianism.” Journal of Democracy 13(2), 2002: 51-65. 

Documentary: The Chavez Show. 

Political Change  

Political Change in History 



Moore, Barrington. 1966. Social origins of dictatorship and democracy: lord and peasant in the making of the modern world. Boston: Beacon Press. Conclusion.

Karl Marx,The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte (马克思,路易·波拿巴的雾月十八日) 

Political Change in Contemporary World (1) 

Huber, Evelyne, Dietrich Rueschemeyer, and John D. Stephens. 1993. “The Impact of Economic Development on Democracy.” The Journal of Economic Perspectives 7 (3):71-86.

Samuel P. Huntington. 1991. “Democracy’s Third Wave.” Journal of Democracy 2(2): 12-34. 

Eva Bellin. 2004. “The Robustness of Authoritarianism in the Middle East: Exceptionalism in Comparative Perspective.” Comparative Politics 36 (2): 139-157. 

Political Change in Contemporary World (2) 

Terry Karl. 1999. “Dilemmas of Democratization in Latin America.” Comparative Politics 23 (1): 1–21. 

Valerie Bunce. 2003. “Rethinking Recent Democratization: Lessons from the Postcommunist

Experience.” World Politics 55 (2): 167-192.   

Civil Society 


Geremek, Bronislaw. 1992. “Civil Society Then and Now.” Journal of Democracy 3 (2):3-12. 

Putnam, Robert. 1995. “Bowling Alone: America’s Declining Social Capital.” Journal of Democracy 6 (1): 65-78. 

Berman, Sheri. 1997. "Civil Society and the Collapse of the Weimar Republic." World Politics 49 (03):401-29. 

Varshney, Ashutosh. 2001. "Ethnic Conflict and Civil Society: India and Beyond." World Politics 53 (3):362-98. 

Mehran Kamrava and Frank Mora. 1998. “Civil Society and Democratization in Comparative Perspective: Latin America and the Middle East.” Third World Quarterly 19 (1998): 893-910. 

Political Economy and Comparative Capitalism  

Douglass C, North. 1991. “Institutions.” Journal of Economic Perspectives 5(1): 97-112. 

Esping-Andersen, Gosta. 1989. The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism. Princeton University Press, Chapter 1 and Conclusion:  9-34, 221-9.

Peter Evans. 1989. “Predatory, Developmental and Other Apparatus: A Comparative Political Economy Perspective on the Third World State.” Sociological Forum 4(4): 561-587. 

Robert H. Bates. 1983. Essays on the Political Economy of Rural Africa. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press: Chapters 5. 

Globalization and Post-Modern Politics 

Chrisopher Clapham. 2002. “The Challenge to the State in a Globalized World.” Development and Change 33 (5): 775–795. 

Ruggie, John Gerard. 1993. "Territoriality and beyond: problematizing modernity in international relations." International Organization 47 (01):139-74. 

Lake, David A. 2010. "Rightful Rules: Authority, Order, and the Foundations of Global Governance." International Studies Quarterly 54 (3):587-613. 

Samuel Huntington. 1993. “The Clash of Civilizations?” Foreign Affairs 72 (3): 22-49. 

Edward Said. 2001. “The Clash of Ignorance.” The Nation October 22.